Are Modular Motorcycle Helmets Are Safe As Full Face Helmets

In the following we’ll be discussing concerning a vital topic that’s “Are modular motorcycle helmets are safe as full-face helmets?” and will discuss it thoroughly within the article. Modular motorbike helmets are fast becoming popular among riders these days, especially those often engaged in long, cross-country travel.

With a hinged chin bar, this type of helmet allows the rider to easily get some air, smoke a cigarette, or take a sip from a soda bottle while at a brief stop. With a modular helmet, it’s quicker as well as easier to show the rider’s face at a police checkpoint compared to full-face headgear. By pressing the lock button, the rider can flip up the lower part of the helmet without releasing the neck strap or without even removing the entire helmet from his or her head. Owners of a modular helmet can attest that it is so convenient to use.

When the hinged bar is lowered, a modular helmet looks almost like a full-face helmet but with large screws on the sides to hold the moving part and the release/lock button in front. However, tales are going around claiming that modular helmets are less safe than their full-face counterparts, which is not the case. There are harrowing stories about modular helmets that broke into pieces as a result of strong impacts from a motorcycle accident. These rider incidents add to the long list of fatalities from motorcycle-related accidents.

We have cited four possible factors that may cause the disintegration of modular helmets when subjected to a strong impact. Here’s what to watch out for:

  1. The lock button is not properly secured. There are riders who sometimes forget to secure the lock button on the lower hinge when they ride the bike. A loose lower hinge weakens the overall integrity of the helmet against impact. A rider must make it a habit to double-check if the lock button is secured before hitting the road. Do not ever forget to secure the strap of the helmet, too.
  2. Avoid being screwed up. Although this kind of incident is more prevalent with low-quality helmets, any moving part which is secured by a screw must be periodically checked. If the rider can feel the screw has loosened even just a bit for one reason or another, this must be tightened immediately before resuming a journey.
  3. You get what you pay for. There are modular helmets that are being sold in the market for a cheaper price but with lesser quality. Remember that this kind of helmet is not made in solid form like the full-face helmet, so it’s very important to determine if thorough research was applied in its construction. Premium helmets such as the Schuberth, for instance, use the Direct Fiber Processing (DFP) in constructing the helmet shell for optimum strength against impact.
  4. Go for maximum protection. There are modular helmets that are tested as both full-faced as well as half-faced helmets. Schuberth is among the few premium helmet products that passed testing standards for both with flying colors. But despite having two homologations, riders are discouraged from wearing modular helmets with the hinged bar flipped up while the motorbike is moving at high speed. This is to ensure full protection of the rider’s face in the event of a road mishap.For this motorbike helmet manufacturers are doing a great work.

A rider must not only be wise in choosing a quality helmet but should know how to properly use them for safety reasons. In riding, there’s no room for ignorance and negligence.
